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SWISS proposes mediation to its pilots’ association

22-Sep-2022   |   Zurich Airport
SWISS proposes mediation to its pilots’ association

With the partners unable to reach agreement on a new collective labour agreement for the company’s cockpit personnel, SWISS has proposed extrajudicial mediation to the Aeropers pilots’ association.

After more than two years of intensive negotiations, Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) and the Aeropers pilots’ association have been unable to reach agreement on a new collective labour agreement for the company’s cockpit personnel. SWISS remains firmly committed to its social partnership, and is convinced that a joint solution can still be found in the spirit of Swiss compromise, particularly since both parties continue to assert their openness to further negotiations. A joint solution of this kind would provide stability for SWISS’s pilots, the company and its customers. 

In view of this, and in the interests of maintaining an effective social partnership in the longer term, SWISS proposed to Aeropers today that the issue be referred to extrajudicial mediation. The approach would be aimed at developing a non-binding recommendation over the next few weeks which pays due and full regard to both parties’ interests.

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