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SWISS carries more passengers in October

13-Nov-2019   |   Zurich Airport
Infografik: Verkehrszahlen Oktober 2019
Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS)1 transported 1,686,987 passengers in October, a 4.1% increase on the same month last year. The 13,198 flights operated were also 1.5% up on the prior-year period.
Total October passenger capacity was raised 1.2% in available seat-kilometre (ASK) terms. Total traffic volume, measured in revenue passenger-kilometres (RPK), was up 1.7%. Systemwide seat load factor for the month improved accordingly to 85.1%, an increase of 0.4 percentage points.
Please note: to offer a full overview of the traffic performance of the airlines of the Lufthansa Group, we report all these carriers’ traffic results. This overview (in which the results for SWISS include those of its sister carrier Edelweiss Air) is provided in the tables attached.
1 excluding Edelweiss Air
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